Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Secret History of Us by Jessi Kirby

Publisher: HarperTeen
On Sale Date: August 1st 2017
Pages: 288
Age Range: Young Adult

Olivia wakes up in a hospital bed. She is clueless how she landed up there. Her family tells her she has been in a car crash. And apparently, as is showing in the days and weeks that follow, the accident made her lose her complete memory for the past four years Shie can't remember her high school, her boyfriend Matt and the reason why some of her friends aren't her friends anymore.
And she certainly doesn't know what happend the night of the crash. When her boyfriend Matt and a unknown guy named Walker tried to reanimate her,  after they puller her out of the river and who Olivia wants to to thank. But first she has to find him.
The longer that she tries to remember things from her past, the foggier everything gets in her head. Especially when she figures out she and Matt broke up shortly before the crash, and he is dating her best friend...

Altough this book wasn't the most original or outstanding, I enjoyed reading it. It was entertaining to read Olivia's journey to find some clues of her memory back, which mostly involved Matt, Walker her family and her best friends. The amnesia and car crash part wasn't the most original one though, I have read several other YA novels this year where the main character girl couldn't recall that she was in a car crash, was driving and or was therefore somewhat responsible for the passing of her boyfriend. That last part wasn't the case in this book, but for the other parts I have seen it in other YA novels. The writing though was beautiful and made up for it, as where the secrets Olivia unraveled during the book. And the ending was also nice.

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