
My blog which I called Marjolein Reads  was started in March 2008. On my blog I post. book reviews of the books I've read, author interviews, guest posts and book giveaways. I review Young Adult, Middle Grade, Fiction,  and historical and contemporary fiction/women's fiction. I am not a professional reviewer and I am not paid for reviewing, I do an will not receive any monetary compensation as it is just a hobby.

The blog is updated almost daily with new book reviews, and book related content.

For review/blog tour/author interview requests or other book related content requests, contact me at:

marjoleinbookblog at gmail.com

My review of the YA novel 'Audrey, Wait!' by Robin Benway is quoted on the backcover of the paperback edition of this book.

MarjoleinBookBlog has received three BookBlog Awards: The Honest Scrap Award, One Lovely Blog Award and a Beautiful Blogger Award


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